I want to take my health into my own hands. Hands that hold my knife and fork, of course.
The more I research autoimmune diseases, the more I've come to find out about various dietary approaches to improving one's health. I've only reached the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nutritional knowledge, but as I learn I thought I'd share what I found on here, in case others with autoimmune conditions feel as overwhelmed and frustrated as I did only a few days ago, trying to sort through various dietary approaches to find some common ground.
I've mapped out a strict elimination diet for myself that I am going to follow for the month of January. This will give me a good starting place from which to test out some other foods and see how I react to them, after this month is over. I used recommendations for the Autoimmune Paleo diet as a starting point, but chose to cut out other foods that can be problematic as well. I will post more about what I am and not eating and the reasons why throughout the month. I chose to do a very intense elimination diet - if this isn't your style, there are still other good options for you! I hope the intensity of my elimination diet doesn't turn anyone away from the idea of elimination diets.
I hope this helps others who are living with autoimmune diseases.
Here is what I ate these first two days of my strict elimination diet:
Day 1
I found it so very fitting that this was the message attached to my tea bag, on the first day of this wellness diet.
- Thin-cut local grass-fed beef, sauteed with dried chives and coconut aminos (which I found out shortly after isn't allowed, so I won't be using it again this month) and steamed kale
- Mint herbal iced tea
- Fresh coconut water
- Fresh coconut meat
- Leftover kale and kale
- Fresh lemongrass and mint herbal iced tea (unsweetened and delicious!)
- Wild-caught Alaskan salmon bakes with dried chives, dried cilantro, sea salt, and extra virgin olive oil
- Local hydroponic lettuce
My rumbling stomach late last night let me know that this was not enough food, so today I ate:
Day 2
- 1 can of pole-caught, dolphin-safe tuna in water and salt
- Pinch of unsweetened organic coconut flakes
- Fresh lemongrass and mint herbal iced tea (unsweetened and delicious!)
- Small spoonful or organic unrefined coconut oil with a dash of cinnamon (I was trying to increase my calories, but the cinnamon made me cough for a while - I don't recommend this!)
- 1 local grass-fed burger seasoned with dried herbs de provence spice mix, dried cilantro, sea salt
- 1 chicken drumstick baked with sea salt
- Small spoonful of organic unrefined coconut oil (I don't know how far my taste buds have strayed from the typical person's, but this reminded me of almond joys - yum!)
- Local wild-caught ahi sauteed in olive oil, sea salt, dried chives, and fresh organic rosemary served with steamed cauliflower and brussels sprouts
- Leftover ahi and steamed kale
- About 1/4 cup organic unsweetened coconut flakes
- 1 local grass fed burger seasoned with dried herbs and sea salt, with added local grass fed beef fat and organic chicken fat kept from today's cooking